My Blood Pressure Takes Your Medication and Laughs in its General Direction
Ahhh, Friday. I had no appointments today, and thus got to sleep in after wrangling Anna out of the house in time for school. It was lovely. I spent the afternoon parked on the sofa, pretty much exactly like this:
Anyway. The boys came home around 5 pm at which point I’d just napped for an hour (Anna went to swim practice). After reading a book for Bjarki, I decided to take my blood pressure (having not stepped out of the sofa for over an hour). The three readings I did were all in the 180/110 range, so I uh, called the hospital and got permission to come in for a bit of monitoring.
When I got there, the first measurement was a much more ‘reasonable’ 175/95, and Ms. Bambino decided to be a total show-off for the monitor. So the doctor decided to once again increase my blood pressure medication (now it’s 3×3 pills per day), take blood samples to be on the safe side, and sent me home. I’m to return again tomorrow afternoon for a repeat monitoring session.
In the meantime I seem to have none of the ‘warning’ symptoms (besides a sometimes ‘stressed-head’) so that’s good.
I’ll leave you with the funnest email I got today:
I decided to send them a small note letting them know that the total population of Iceland is a whopping 319,000. 🙂