More Lying About
A Saturday has come, and (mostly) gone. Finnur did all the heavy lifting today: shuttling the kids back and forth to and from various activities, going to the grocery store, doing laundry, etc. etc.
The day’s highlight was probably visiting Gerðuberg with Adda and her kids, where there were lots of fun activities (I’m told). Meanwhile I stayed pretty much horizontal (which, yes, isn’t entirely labor-inducing, but oh well). The day ended with a dinner at Adda and Halli’s, where the kids will be staying overnight.
I did take a trip late in the day down to the hospital for a bit of monitoring. The monitoring looked fine, the blood pressure was as good as it will get these days because the most recent drug dosage was kicking in (147/93 -ish), and yesterday’s blood work had been fine except for elevated levels of uric acid (þvagsýra).
Now, since I reported home-measurements that topped 100 on the lower number, the doctor wanted me to add yet another tablet to the blood pressure drug dosage, so now I’m to take 3×4 tablets per day. That’s apparently half the maximum amount on that particular drug, and they’ll have to add some other drug if that doesn’t do the trick.
So yes, I was sent home again, with instructions to show up again early Monday morning, or earlier if anything changes. Good times.