Very Funny There Mr. Left Leg
The status of my left leg has reached farcical proportions. I’ve now seen the physiotherapist three times, and every single time a new portion of my hip/thigh/knee has been in trouble. It’s like pain-whack-a-mole!
The good news for today is that I’m not in pain when lying down (unlike yesterday) but the bad news is that certain movements (say, like moving the foot up and forwards, as in walking) are darn painful. I’m trying to keep my movements smooth though, and not hobble around so much.
Today was otherwise a pretty good day, although busy like most Mondays when I have the car. I dropped off the boys, ate at bakery, got physio, bought a long shoehorn, had lunch with Finnur and some friends, had short pit-stop at home, took Anna in for a hair-cut, met with midwife, dropped Anna off at swimming pool, fetched the boys, and then had my feet up in the air from then onwards.
The only ooops was that my midwife meeting was right when I was supposed to take my blood pressure medicine (but had forgotten) so the first blood pressure reading was high (lower number = 107) before calming down to not-great-but-we’ll-take-it 98. Being at the end of a busy day didn’t help either.
So I promised her I’d have a very quiet day tomorrow, and am meeting her again on Wednesday. And I’m at 36w2d for those keeping track.
The only problems is that Bjarki may be coming down with a sore throat, and who knows what else, as of this evening. I guess we’ll find out in the morning!