Day Two on Medication
A few observations now that I’ve taken the blood-pressure lowering pills for two days.
1) They are not placebos. As in, they do affect the body in a noticeable way. For example…
2) … two to three hours after taking a pill, I become quite sleepy. (Mental note: I should plan on napping for an hour then.)
3) Lower number went down to 93 when I checked this noontime (and then to 96 when I tried again). But still, it’s better than a hundred-and-something. I even had a few solid minutes of not-stressed-head today, but it’s hard to shake that habit. (I’m thinking at this point I’m officially freaking out about the eventual outcome of all this.)
4) The pills apparently gave my kidneys extra energy yesterday (as in made them unusually functional), and my weight was down by almost 1 kg (2 lbs) according to the swimming pool scale this morning. I’m guessing that was just water weight (aka swelling) from my feet. (Side note: Total weight gain so far at 33w is about 4-5 kg (9-11 lbs), depending on what I claim to be the initial weight. That’s pretty normal for fatties like myself.)
5) Blood pressure reading last night was high, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the doc adds a second pill to my daily regimen next week.
In other news, Finnur installed the new faucet and it’s a nice improvement on the old one. 🙂
Oh, and previously unknown parenting land was discovered this past night when I woke up at 05:14 am, and heard voices from Anna’s room. Turns out, she and her sleeping-over friend had woken up at 5 am (I think her friend had woken Anna up to ask what time it was) and being awake, Anna went down to the kitchen to fetch the fancy big new year’s eve glowing glow-sticks from the freezer (the cold charges them). It took a while for me to get the girls to settle down again, and involved ordering Anna over to our bed for a while, because she was not happy with her mother – who was equally not happy with her behavior.
Thankfully they seemed to fall asleep before Bjarki started squirming at 06:30, and he took my word for it being night-time still and slept for an extra hour or so. The girls on the other hand crashed out until almost 10 am, by which time it was time for me to shuttle Bjarki to his gymnastics practice, swim 500 m (swimming was enthusiastically endorsed by midwife last week), and indulge in the utterly awesome water-massage at the swimming pool..