The Universe Loves Thwarting My Nap Plans
This was to have been a glorious rest-and-recuperation morning. But alas, the Universe had other ideas.
Anna was already at school, and Bjarki and I were buckled into the car, about to take him to daycare when… the car refused to start. Now, I’d noticed that starting had become increasingly less energetic over the past few days/weeks, but this morning it was if there just wasn’t enough electricity to get it going. It wasn’t like the battery was dead-dead (like when we’ve left one of the internal lights on), just dead-enough. Sigh – time for a battery replacement.
But first I had to get Bjarki to daycare, so we suited up for a walk, and ambled our way over there. I stupidly chose the ‘short’ route through our neighborhood, not realizing that those pathways hadn’t ever been salted or sanded since the frost began, and we had a few tense moments as we did our best to stay upright on the clear ice covering the entire downward sloping path in some places (sorry pelvis!). Thankfully they’d salted the ‘main’ walkways, so two-thirds of the way were ok.
I ambled back using just the ‘main’ paths, and seeing how I’m slow as a slug these days, what should have been a 10 minute walk was more like 20 minutes.
When I got home, I called around for prices on batteries, phoned a taxi to get a jump-start, and took the car to a garage. So now the car has a new battery, and I hope it doesn’t dare pull any more stunts on me for a while!
(And now I have time for a 20 minute nap before getting ready to attend a lunch-time event at Anna’s school… Something just arrived in the mail that needs immediate attention. No nap for me.)