Bjarki’s Toy Labels – The Complete Set
Back in late August I took the first stab at organizing Bjarki’s stuff in his room. One important part of this organizing was to label his toy buckets so that it would be easier to find toys and tidy up. Having all the time in the world, I decided to make my own labels for the buckets I’d managed to sort into, knowing full well that I needed to buy more buckets and make more labels later on.
Of course ‘later on’ dragged and dragged, and it wasn’t until 23rd September that we made it to Ikea to buy more buckets. The day after, Bjarki was to host his friend after daycare. Bjarki’s room was pretty much a disaster still, with random toys littering most of the floor, so that day I finally sat down and SORTED ALL OF HIS STUFF into buckets. Finally, the floor was clear, and there was even space for the small table and chair we’d evicted from Anna’s room the day before.
So yes. Well over a month after the final ‘sorting’ took place, I still hadn’t gotten around to taking the pictures to make the remainder of the labels. Obviously I needed a good kick in the rear-side, so I was very happy to get a call from Pétur, my brother, asking to borrow my 50 mm lens for some school-work. Yes, the very lens that I used to take the original pictures. Lo and behold, magically, a couple of hours before he was to show up, I set up the gear, made the white background by taping together a bunch of A4-sized sheets, and shot away!
Here is therefore the full set of toy-bucket labels, in mini-form:
… and last but not least: The uncategorized (uncategorizable?) bucket
Phew! That’s a lot of labels! And a LOT of toys!!
Now I just have to print this stuff out, and do the last little bit. I hope that doesn’t also take more than a month to implement!!