A ‘This Too Shall Pass’ Night
Warning: Discussion of stomach bugs, i.e. vomiting.
This past night was of the ‘This Too Shall Pass‘-chanting variety. After Bjarki vomited at the dinner table, I put him to sleep in our bed, intending to follow him there shortly. After everybody had left, and Anna was in bed, I had a change of mind and decided to enjoy a little ‘me-time’ downstairs.
Of course, said ‘me-time’ ended with dashing up the stairs after hearing suspicious sounds and sure enough, Bjarki ended up in the bathtub, and the bedding in the washing machine.
Once everything had been taken care of, Bjarki was back in my bed, and he spent the night attempting to vomit out his guts into the bowl I kept shoving at his face – except his guts were empty aside from a sip of Gatorade every 10 minutes. I think I probably got 2-3 hours of sleep total before I had to get up to get Anna out the door and to school.
This morning was a wee bit better. Bjarki did have one almost-vomit episode, and he seemed to have a bit of a fever, but all in all he’s made progress towards health all day, and by 3 pm when Anna came home, he was ready to horse around with her. He hasn’t progressed much on the food-front though: he’s currently at gatorade, rice-cakes, dry cheerios and he’s had a few grapes. But that’s also because we are close to running out of food in the house – so that gives me at least one item on tomorrow’s to-do list.
I myself spent the day napping/dosing next to Bjarki (he’s mostly refused to nap, being way too excited about the prospect of YouTube videos, and reading books when that wasn’t on offer). My own health could have been better at this particular point in time: my throat’s been raspy all day, there’s the occasional dry cough, and the nasal cavities are fighting some battle or other.
So yeah, this two week stretch of no-Finnur-ness (aka ‘need to go to bed and wake up at reasonable hours’) hasn’t gotten off to a very auspicious start. Here’s hoping this has been the worst of it…