20 Week Ultrasound
[Written 12 October 2012]
This morning, Finnur and I headed to the diagnostic department at the women’s wing of the main hospital for the 20 week ultrasound. We were greeted by a seasoned ultrasound pro, as well as a student, and for the next twenty minutes or so, all major body parts, as well as individual organs were found, assessed, and accounted for. To make a long story short, everything looked fine and we were given the green light.
Of course we left with a few pictures in tow: 🙂
Of course we asked about the sex (or well, Finnur did. I wasn’t coherent enough to remember!) and it’s a….
…GIRL!! 🙂
Estimated due date: 23 February 2013.
After the seasoned pro had checked all the items on her list, the ultrasound student got to have a turn, so we had an extra 15 minutes of just looking at the squiggly baby currently baking in my tummy. Awwwww… 🙂