Busy Bee Day
[Written 27. September 2012]
I’d say that the week starting on 3. September was the the week when I started ‘waking up’ from my pregnancy-induced slumber for ‘realz’. Which means that weeks 6-16 were pretty much a wash.
That started an era of doing multiple things per day at home, I even joined a rather intense pregnancy fitness class (with weights and stuff!). On 13. September I even biked down to the Smáralind shopping area and visited multiple places of business – in fact running myself so ragged that I had to ask Finnur to take Bjarki to his late afternoon swim class, while I crashed out on the sofa so that I would survive the fitness class.
A peek at the day:
After the haircut and lunch, I went a store-rampage in the stores on the other side of the tower, and got goodies like future cheap birthday presents for the girls in Anna’s class. Important stuff!! 🙂