Another One Bites the Dust
A couple of days ago Finnur caught the nasty cold bug that’s now claimed all of us sequentially and he’s looking pretty useless. I’m hoping he shakes it though because the weather service claims tomorrow might be the last dry day for a while, and we have a lot of fencing that still needs staining. And I can’t stain because the smell makes me want to empty out my stomach.
Not much to report otherwise. I convinced Halli to bring his offspring to our house after lunch, giving our offspring kids to play with. (Adda was at some whole-day seminar, and Finnur went to watch soccer.) The day went pretty smoothly from then on. Mom and Petur (my red-haired brother) swung by, had tea, and then I cut Petur’s hair. I’m thinking of making his fiancee watch next time so she can start doing it. You’ve been warned!!
(Did I mentioned I caved in this summer, and bought (cheap) hair-thinning scissors in order to smooth over my non-professional cutting skills? Well, I did.)
Close to dinner, Finnur rallied himself and Halli and they went to the store to procure dinner. It was lovely lamb, but by the time dinner was drawing to a close, Finnur was asleep on the couch, I barely held it together while the kids finished eating (oh my goodness, will you stop with the ‘rain is God crying’ – whoever the ^%@$ taught you that stupid phrase?!) and Halli did most of the cleaning up. We owe him mountains of thanks, which he’ll probably use to have us assemble his double Hemnes Ikea chest of drawers soon.
Oh, and I claim labeling success! The kids did a remarkably decent job of cleaning up the mess they made – labelled toy-boxes FTW! 🙂
P.s. I have no idea what prompted this, but Bjarki came bawling downstairs close to dinner time, saying he was so sad that Reynir was dead. This is the first such event, and I’m guessing it won’t be the last. I suspect he may be realizing what’s missing now that there are two sets of boy-twins living on either side of us. Sigh.