Anna and Sproti (and a wee bit of ‘art’)
[Written on 14 August 2012]
Back in June, Anna asked if she could go on a horse-riding course. These things run in June and July, and are generally fully booked long in advance. Lucky for us though, there were openings in July, so on 9 July Anna began her week-long course. Right off the bat she looooooved it, so we quickly booked the next week too. The course ran from 9am to noon, Mon through Fri, and was run by Viking Horses, which happen to be located about 7 minutes away from us by car.
On the last day, 20 July, Finnur went to pick her up, and arrived early enough to see her arrive on ‘her’ horse, Sproti (she had the same horse the whole time except for the first day). Here are some pics:
Once we got home, it dawned on Anna that this was the last time she’d (probably) see Sproti, and she broke down in sobbing tears. She was literally devastated for the remainder of the day, poor thing. 🙁