It’s been a torturous couple of weeks, with exam-making and then exam-grading, but I’M DONE! YAY!
(Sadly, I’m only DONE for another month before I’ll be hit with a couple of make-up exams for those that failed the initial finals. I’m in denial until June begins. But by mid-June, I should be REALLY REALLY DONE!)
I don’t quite know why I find this process sooooo terribly difficult… maybe it’s because I’ve taken too many exams in my life… maybe it’s because I want the exams to be fair and balanced in some arbitrary way that even I can’t really recognize… maybe it’s because stamping people with numbers is just not my idea of fun, especially when I know just how little the numbers can mean in ‘The Real World’. The bottom line is that I’m probably too conscientious for my own good by a few orders of magnitude.
Now I look forward to no longer procrastinating my brain away to some other distant land, until it’s midnight and I really have to work on this stuff, and before I know it it’s 4 am and the sun’s rising again…
Yes, I’ve essentially gone mental. I’m ridiculously sleep deprived, and pulling my usual trickery of eating to compensate.
But, Big Sigh of Relief… all Done For Now! 🙂