Pétur Breki Graduates From Junior College (MH)
My brother, Pétur Breki, graduated today from Menntaskólinn í Hamrahlíð, a ‘Junior College’ where students usually enter at 16 years old, graduate after 3-4 years, and can then enter University in their chosen field (no general subjects).
If the setting seems familiar its because his older brother graduated from the same school some three years ago. The ceremony took over two hours, and was mostly boring. Thankfully, the school has a fantastic choir, and they did their best to infuse some life into the proceedings. Sadly, there was no getting around reading up the names of roughly 190 students. Good times!
After the ceremony, we headed to Hulda’s place for a small gathering to celebrate Pétur’s achievement. The food was excellent, and a good time was had by all!
Of course I took many many more photos, and 130 of those have now been uploaded to PicasaWeb in full resolution. Click on the image below to access the PicasaWeb image website.
Hjartanlega til hamingju Pétur! 🙂
2011-05-28 Pétur stúdent |