Three out of four ain’t bad…
This will have to be brief since I’m (supposedly) writing a lecture for tomorrow morning (exactly 12 hours from now).
Today’s health update is as follows: Bjarki went to daycare, and did fine. The rest of us saw doctors today.
Finnur got an appointment with some random general practitioner at Domus Medica, who listened to his lungs, put him on antibiotics, and then sent him for a lung x-ray and blood test for good measure. Finnur felt miraculously better some four hours afterwards, and is now approaching ‘normal’ at a good rate.
Anna saw Soffía the pediatrician (Yes! ‘Our’ Soffia from California!!) who found Anna to have strep throat, and the flu and put her on antibiotics and some asthma-meds to help with the coughing. She still looked rather miserable at dinnertime, but hopefully tomorrow will be better.
Since my flu had mutated into a sore-throat/cough/nasal drip as of this morning, I started thinking I might also have strep throat. So I made my way to the after-hours health clinic (same as on Monday) to find out for sure. Long story short: The wait was much shorter (the doctor was En Fuego!) and I do not have strep throat, nor anything antibiotics are likely to fix. So I get to tough my flu out the good old fashioned way.
Oh, and today was a day of lovely fluffy snow falling calmly calmly to the ground. Just fabulous! 🙂