While we lived in California, we met quite a few Icelanders, many of whom became good friends of ours. As it happens, many of the Icelanders we got to know in California moved back to Iceland before we did. Needless to say, it’s been a lot of fun re-connecting with our old CA-friends. 🙂
Back in California, there was a ‘core’ group of Icelandic families that often met up, and, for example, went camping together. This group has stayed in touch in Iceland, and we were thrilled to be invited to a thanksgiving potluck this past weekend at Lára’s and Halldór’s place the Saturday after the official US Thanksgiving.
We took on bringing the gravy (“brown sauce”, Finnur’s speciality) and waldorf (apple/walnut/celery/grape) salad (Hrefna likes chopping things!). Unfortunately, Finnur apparently got some random energy-zapping bug that Saturday, so by noon-time he barely had energy to get the gravy going before collapsing into bed for an hour. He did manage to finish the huge pot of gravy, but stayed behind while I took the kids to the party.

The kids quickly disappeared into the office where a video was playing on a laptop. I hardly knew they were there from that point on... Also, note the nice view out the window!

Eggert opens cans of yellow corn. Fresh corn is hard to find in Iceland, and very expensive when it pops up.

Time for dinner!! Soffía and Lára model by the food, while Lára is still busy hosting and coordinating.

The kids got to eat first, before heading back to laptop-land, and thus making way for the rest of the adults.

Soffía and Ágúst's twins, Atli Freyr and Breki Freyr, talk to Jónína and Eggert's Unnur. The twins were born a couple of weeks before Bjarki Freyr.

Anna and Lára and Halldór's Nökkvi Fannar in front of yet another laptop while the adults chat in the background.

The kids have grown so much! Here are Kristbjörg (Elsa & Þráinn), Sif (Guðrún & Snorri), Jakob (Jónína & Eggert) and Ágúst Bjarki (Soffía & Ágúst).

Post-dinner pre-dessert chatting. Next to Soffía are two of her eight children: Gunnar and Alma Hildur.

Elsa, the brothers Egill Almar and Stefán (Soffía & Ágúst's), Snorri and Ágúst in the middle of a thought... and yes, Bjarki coming over to complain of ill treatment. Did I mention he's three?