Bjarki turns 3 years old!
It was three years ago today that Bjarki and Reynir were born. How time flies! We didn’t do anything particular to mark the day (planning a proper party soon), but Nökkvi, Jóhanna and Ylfa gave Bjarki a fantastic drum that him and Anna banged on for the next few hours. We spent most of the day at my aunt Hulda’s (where Nökkvi and Jóhanna also live), because she has two kids and therefore LOTS OF TOYS!
It has to be said that it’s been a big relief how independent Anna is in her play with others in Iceland. We’ve hardly seen her for the past few days, which is a good thing after we all got a little too close in New York. Sometimes personal space is a good thing. 🙂
(Also, this post has a lot of vertical images. Try pressing F11 on your keyboard to get “full-screen mode” and then press F11 again to go back to “normal screen mode”.)