A weather-change
The weather today was much more ‘Icelandic’ than what’s been going on lately: lots of rain (finally! the grass is yellow in many places now) and some wind, although it was rather warm. Anna and I used the early afternoon to visit my youngest brother, Anthony, who’s staying with our cousin (sister of our paternal grandmother, but the same age as our dad) for 10 days. Dad, meanwhile, is sightseeing in Prague.
Around 5pm, the four of us all headed to Adda and Halli’s place to celebrate the 3rd and 5th birthdays of their kiddos. They invited a number of people we also know, who all have children the same age as ours, so the parents chatted while the kids played, supervised mostly by the oldest kids (who happen to be girls).
How refreshing that: the presents were opened as they arrived (no need for Thank You cards after the fact, yay!), there were no planned activities (and now we’ll do an Art Project!) or any sort of structure (stretches, then jungle gym!) beyond serving food and cake, and last but not least, no frigging goodie bags to bribe the kids to go home without a fight. It was a fabulous party! 🙂
Now for the health-update: Anna and I still have the sore throat, but only I have the ‘sexy voice’. Finnur’s sister, Steinunn, now also has the sore throat, and so does my mom, although hers sounds more severe than ours with the added bonus of coughing and nasal drain. Fun! Yesterday I noticed that Bjarki was refusing to bite on a carrot, and even a grape (unless cut in half) so my current theory is that he’s teething (damn you, second set of molars!!).
According to Finnur, aka The Waking-Up-Hero, Bjarki woke up in a fabulous mood this morning. Sadly he woke up from his afternoon nap in a mess though… Whiiiiiine…! So to buy us peace we gave him some pain-medicine before the party, and he did great. Chowed down on pizza like he hadn’t eaten in days, and was only minimally whiny. We’ll see how things go, maybe he has the sore throat, maybe it’s something else entirely. But isn’t ignorance bliss?