Thursday March 24th 2005
Splash! 🙂
As of today, Iceland is on Easter-vacation, which extends all the way to the Monday after Easter. Also, Finnur’s parents returned from Denmark yesterday (left on Saturday) so they took care of Anna Sólrún when she woke up around 9:30am this morning. I on the other hand have been going to bed between 2-3am (I’ve tried crawling into bed earlier, but I can’t seem to fall asleep, even though I’m dog-tired) so it was just lovely to get a couple of extra hours of sleep! 🙂
After Anna had taken her first nap, we met up with Adda, Halli and Hildur Sif, along with Adda’s sister and her two kids, at an indoor swimming pool (Árbæjarlaugin). Poor Anna last entered a swimming pool last summer so she was extremely timid to start with (there was a crowd of kids, and it was quite noisy), but gradually worked up her courage, even accepted being in a floater, and had a lot of fun! 🙂
Afterwards we visited the botanical garden in the city, but the cafe there was closed so we just took pictures of all the ducks there. I then took off to my mum’s where Anna slept for a whopping two hours, waking up just in time for us to meet Holla and Óli for dinner at their place. We ended up watching “The Swan” (shivers) before seeing that Bobby Fisher was about to land (what to think!?) and then we took off. As we arrive in Mosó, my dad called from England, where apparently he’s now the proud owner of a new computer! 🙂 Yay! 🙂