Saturday December 18th 2004
I got a cold yesterday (Finnur claims to have one too, but I’m ignoring him so that I can wallow in my own self-pity.. 🙂 which has left me with a runny nose, sore throat and general head-discomfort. I guess it had to happen, but hopefully it’ll all be over by the time Christmas comes.
I’ve spent the past few days frantically trying to catch up with the photo-pages but then I heard that the webserver might die come tomorrow (some network business in my department in USA) but if it does, we might transport this page somewhere else. We’ll try to keep the link pointing to the right place.
We’ve spent today (much like yesterday) at the in-laws, but they’ve been out. Instead we’ve enjoyed the company of Steinunn and her boyfriend Einar, who we almost jumped on to get him out of bed around 1pm – thinking it was just Steinunn! 🙂 Tomorrow is “ginger-bread-day” at my mom’s. Yummy! 🙂
Address in Iceland
Hrefna og Finnur
c/o Anna Eymundsdóttir
Álmholti 10
270 Mosfellsbaer