Tuesday December 21st 2004
We spent today at my mother’s where we made gingerbread cookies like crazy people. My mother had bought some dough from a store (why make your own?!) so we spent the day flattening it out and cutting it with all sorts of different shapes. We actually had so much dough that my brothers (all but Bjarni) gave up and fled to their rooms, so in the end it was just me making the cookies, and Bjarni and Finnur decorating them all, while my mom entertained Anna. 🙂
After all the dough had been transformed into very tempting cookies, we (it took pretty much the whole family!) assembled the gingerbread house and then decorated it! 🙂 It was pretty neat! 🙂
To end the day we stopped by Holla and Oli’s to fix the computer Finnur “broke” the other day, but mostly ended up watching the “Amazing Race 6” which of course we don’t watch when we’re in the USA because of all the $”%”!$! commercials. 🙂