Wednesday August 13th 2003
A super-social trip to the movies…
I took my three brothers (that live in Iceland that is) to see the Pirates of the Caribbean (my second time… 😉 and lo-and-behold!!… As I turn around from the ticket-office I run straight into Rikey and Dagrun (both female!), my cousins (I guess, their grandfather and my grandmother are siblings) that I’ve been mentally on my way to see for this whole week! 🙂 So me and Rikey (we’re only 2 months apart in age, and used to spend a lot of time together in the “good-old-days” sat together and laughed and oohed at a swaying Johnny Depp and the cute Orlando Bloom… 🙂
But that wasn’t all! As I was coming out of the ladies room during the break (Most all movies in Iceland have a 10 minute break in the middle, so the consession stand can make more money and people can run to the bathroom. It also allowes starved smokers to get their fix…), I hear someone call me name, and there is Stella waiting in line for the ladies room!! Now, I’ve been reading Stella and Sjáni‘s blog for some time now, but never met them in person – so when the movie was over I got Rikey to take a picture of me with the two of them!!! 🙂
Iceland is sometimes so blissfully small… 🙂