Emma’s Room
I’ve been dragging my feet in posting about this (I didn’t want to jinx things!!) – but Emma moved into her own bedroom on 30 December 2013, and has slept there, quite well, ever since.
The long story is that she was slowly but surely killing me by repeatedly waking up at night, and yes, her crib was in our bedroom.
By the end of November, things were getting a bit better, but the midnight feeding kept moving all over the place, sometimes all the way until 2 am. That’s when the chorus of women around me started chanting ‘drop the midnight feeding’, and I figured… why not?
On 01 December, Finnur flew off to the USA, and I decided to stop sleeping in my own bed. Instead, I moved full time to the single bed in the door-less ‘office’, i.e. the fourth (bed)room on the second floor.
And lo and behold, Emma stopped waking up at night!! (I also kept going to bed very late so I didn’t wake up to every whimper and complaint, so that ‘helped’).
When Finnur returned some two weeks later, I kept on sleeping in the office, except for a few nights where I tried sleeping in my own bed. The conclusion was always the same: Emma slept worse with me in the room (of course, she could care less about Finnur!).
What needed to happen was clear: Emma had to move into the ‘office’, except it had no door.
After some prompting and prodding from Guðrún, I called around to see what a door might cost. Of course the door-opening is non-standard (almost two doors wide, but not quite), so we were looking at either a) a very expensive custom-made double door, or b) a cheaper single door with a wooden panel on the side, either as a DYI project, or employing a carpenter.
Being female, I decided to go for option c) (that’s a joke for Augusto 🙂 ) and hang thick curtains to cover the opening and call it a day! (10 images total)
Besides needing to clear out the shelves in the room, so Emma can start roaming there without too much damage, we need to install black-out curtains.
This week I therefore ordered black-out curtains for both the small window above the bed, as well as the balcony door. Later on I’m going to have to add some backing to the door-way curtains because they won’t be thick enough when the midnight sun rolls around.
All in all though, we’re pretty happy with how this has turned out! Of course there are still nights when she wakes up at odd hours, but not consistently so.
Now if we could only convince her (and Bjarki!) to sleep longer than to 6 am…!! 🙂