Moscow Baby!
Finnur’s turning into quite the world traveler… Here’s his current location:
Yup, he’s in Moscow!
What’s he doing there, you might ask? Well, his maternal grandfather, the inestimable Eymundur Magnússon, lived there for a while when he was young, and learnt his printing craft. Since he would have turned 100 years old this 21 May 2013 (he passed away in 2009), the family decided to go visit his old stomping ground.
Initially there was talk that it would be the whole whole family, kids and all, but one by one the spouses dropped out, so there are now a total of eight travellers: Finnur’s parents, all five siblings, and one spouse (the one with grown up kids).
They’ll be there for a week, and I’m crossing my fingers Finnur’ll find an internet connection so he can send some photos over while they’re there. 🙂